Complete list of variables for 'Universe'
Planet settings: initial velocity of planet
- v_xv: initial x velocity; default value 0.0
- v_yv: initial y velocity; default value 1.0 (note: down is positive!)
Observatory settings: what gets shown
- v_velocity: whether to show velocity arrow (1: yes; 0: no); default value 1
- v_acceleration: whether to show acceleration arrow (1: yes; 0: no); default value 1
- v_orbit: whether to trace orbital path (1: yes; 0: no); default value 1
- v_area: whether to show area swept out (1: yes; 0: no); default value 1
My Law settings: customising your law of gravity
- v_law_a: does law depend on velocity or acceleration? (1: vel; 0: acc); default value 0
- v_law_b: towards sun or at right angles? (1: rt ang; 0: towards); default value 0
- v_law_c: dependence on distance r (0: 1/r; 1: 1/r2; 2: 1/r3; 3: r; 4: r2; 5: r3); default value 1